from West Town Bakery

CANNABIS INFUSED mixes aren't just good because they are cannabis infused; they are the best take and bake cake and brownie mixes anywhere.
Our Pot Brownies are legendary.
Every mix is guaranteed to be fast-acting and evenly blended.
And why can't everyone participate? The acclaimed West Town Bakery is the first to offer a vegan and gluten free cannabis infused mix to bake at home so everyone can enjoy the satisfaction of a fresh, and perfectly baked cannabis infused edibles.
A promise from Chef Chris Teixeira and the team at
West Town Bakery in Chicago.
Step by Step Guides
CANNABIS INFUSED from West Town Bakery

Why not get baked at home?
Bake(d) at Home is a passion project that was born out of our love for baking and cannabis. Yeah... we've been playing around with cannabis infused treats pretty much since that one holiday party about 10 years ago... But seriously, we have and we've been looking forward to being able to share these amazing brownies, cakes (and a few more surprises) with our loyal fans for years. We can't wait for you to experience how amazing and satisfying these bake(d) at home desserts are.